Hace muchos años que la OCDE y la UE lo repiten una y otra vez: Europa y España necesitan más y más inmigrantes.
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Las políticas aparentemente filantrópicas quizá estén precipitando consecuencias perversas: proteger el empleo de los trabajadores protegidos y favorecidos, en detrimento de los más débiles, el trabajo y la prosperidad de mañana…
Europe needs to embrace either immigration or outsourcing to overcome the huge challenges of its ageing population – and it is currently doing neither, according to one of Asia’s leading businessmen.
Nandan Nilekani, co-chairman of Infosys, the Indian outsourcing company, said that Europe was currently ducking the ways of solving its demographic problem, perhaps its main long-term test.“Europe has a very difficult quandary: when you have an ageing population, either you import your workers or you export your work. It is immigration or outsourcing. If you do neither, you have a challenge,” he told the Financial Times.
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A report last week by the European Commission showed how the continent’s working-age population would peak next year before starting a decline that would have big budgetary and economic impacts.
By 2060 the ratio of working people to those aged over 65 will be two to one, against four to one currently.
Vladimir Spidla, the European Commissioner for social affairs, warned that the current recession should not deflect governments from acting: “In dealing with the short-term challenges of the economic crisis, we must not forget the long-term challenge of ageing … We need to emerge from this crisis with more and better employment opportunities for older people.”
The report forecasts that the annual number of immigrants to the European Union will more than halve in the next 50 years. That could put a strain on many European countries that are facing low birth rates. Already there is anecdotal evidence that the economic crisis is causing immigrants to return home from countries such as Spain. [ .. ] [Financial Times, 4 mayo 2009. Richard Milne, Europe needs more immigration or outsourcing, says Infosys chairman].
Las negritas son mías.
Europa envejece a paso de carga: 2009 Ageing Communication: a renewed strategy for tackling Europe’s demographic challenge.
¿Eres consciente de que estás contribuyendo -¡y de qué manera!- al efecto llamada?
Si algún día no cabemos más, serás en parte el responsable. Con lo bien que estábamos en la residencia.
Esa era mi intención, claro: atraer gitanos, negros, moros y guatemaltecos de todo tipo para hacer todavía Más Grande, la Gran Murcia… que oscila entre la Gran Occitania, el Gran Israel y la Gran Cartagena… luego pediremos la ruptura con Spain y el ingreso en la Unión (de los USA de Obama), con Gibraltar…
PS. Como ya te conté, hace siglos, uno de mis antepasados más ilustres (Antonete Gálvez) fue el héroe militar del Cantón, uno de los redactores de la célebre carta dirigida al presidente de los EE.UU., pidiendo el ingreso en la Unión, tras la ruptura unilateral con la tiranía centralista que presidía por entonces Pi i Margall. Un respeto.