El Economist, Reuters, BBC y Washington Post abren el fuego.
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BBC, Prosecutors in Spain to charge Catalonia leader Mas.
Washington Post, But the army chief’s remarks likely won’t help patch up the divide between Barcelona and Madrid.
Reuters, “This is a process or movement that has been building since 2010, when the Spanish constitutional court pared back key elements of a Catalonian statute of autonomy,” Aengus Collins, lead analyst for Spain at the Economist Intelligence Unit, or EIU, told us. “The direction of travel is clear, and ultimately the central government is going to have to respond more creatively than it has done up until now.”… Homage to Catalonia and Madrid will have to pay it.
Economist, España / Cataluña, rumbo a ninguna parte: a garrotazos.
Tras esas muestras de interés por el problema político de fondo, la querella de la Fiscalía contra Artur Mas parece llamada a imponerse en la agenda informativa internacional, con mucho color castizo, patriótico, folclórico.
En definitiva, a nadie se le oculta la evidencia: Dimensión histórica del duelo a garrotazos Rajoy / Mas, visto por Cervantes y Gracián.
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