Cosas del Economist, el semanario más influyente de Europa:
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Corruption in Spain, 2 mayo 2015:
Corruption and cronyism (the distribution of political favours to businesses) explain much of the Spanish public’s growing disdain for the two parties that have run the country for the past 32 years: the ruling Popular Party (PP) and the opposition Socialists (PSOE).
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Researchers are beginning to see links between Spain’s excessively cronyistic and corrupt public administration, and the defects that have made it so hard for the economy to recover. The problems may have started well before the crash. From 1995 to 2007, while the Spanish economy was growing at 3.5% per year, productivity declined by 0.7% per year—even as overall EU productivity was growing at an average of 0.4% per year.
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The government is hunting for every bit of positive news. It trumpeted the latest economic-sentiment figures from the European Commission, which put Spain ahead of the other big euro-zone economies. But if voters are less concerned about the latest figures than about the underlying rot of decades of kickbacks and insider dealing, that may not count for much… Corruption in Spain. Inside jobs. Research suggests that government cronyism may cripple Spain’s economy.
Pudrición y evidencias gangrenosas:
-La corrupción y el amiguismo recortaron la productividad durante los años de bonanza y producción de riqueza, dilapidada en las letrinas de la corrupción.
-Veinte / treinta años después, las mismas lacras corren el riesgo de producir los mismos efectos, cuando la fragmentación de los mercados políticos amenaza con convertir Andalucía en un modelo exportable a Barcelona, Valencia ¿y España? España se aleja de Europa, para refugiarse en el casticismo.
Educados con el biberón de la crisis, la corrupción y la deuda.
La dama del lago cuenta los orígenes de la corrupción.
España, 17 modelos de injusto Estado providencia.
España se aleja de Europa, para refugiarse en el casticismo.
Temas de trabajo de mi serie España, una temporada en el Infierno.
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