Financial Times lo cuenta así:
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Financial Times,15 julio 2020. Daniel Dombey, Spain looks forjobs boost from EU pandemic recovery package.
“Use of the country’s food banks has increased by some 40 per cent in recent months and risks matching the worst levels of the financial crisis if there is a second wave of Covid-19”.
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“According to OECD forecasts, Spain is likely to suffer more from unemployment than any other member state”.
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“The country has never fully recovered from the financial crisis a decade ago, despite huge efforts since then to cut debts, increase exports and lower costs”.
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“We have a massive opportunity to build on the transformation of our industries,” says José María Álvarez-Pallete, chairman and chief executive of Telefónica, Spain’s biggest telecoms group. “We have a massive opportunity to revolutionise education, to revolutionise active policy measures, in terms of training, skills for workers.”
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“But Spain has traditionally been one of the slower countries to disburse EU funds, partly because of problems in identifying projects that meet the bloc’s criteria”.
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“We have received lots of European aid, lots of [EU] structural funds,” says Mr Doménech. “They have had an important role, they have helped Spain narrow the gap in GDP per capita with other EU countries, but they have not resolved our structural problems.”
“Spain also has the highest proportion in the EU of early school leavers: 17 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds complete only lower secondary education”.
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“There is a structural problem that we have to solve,” says Mr Galán. “Sometimes the problem is one of education, sometimes it is of training…” Financial Times, 15 Julio 2020. Daniel Dombey, Spain looks for jobs boost from EU pandemic recovery package.
Las negritas son mías.
Análisis bastante ecuménico, a mi modo de ver, recordando viejos “problemas estructurales” de la España castiza:
La Caixa confirma el concepto economía de la incultura de Quiñonero.
España y el coronavirus … de la pandemia a la caquexia histórica anunciada por Galdós.
La economia de la incultura española tiene su origen quinientos años atras.
Llegamos a Dios a traves de la oracion no del trabajo. Nobles clerigos picaros.
La lectura de libros prohibida a los analfabetos y a los que no fronteras cerradas a libros extranjeros desde Felipe II con algun corto periodo hasta la Transicion. El Indice fue actual hasta hace poco.
Superacion del Maquiavelismo. Los medios si consiguen el fin son buenos sino son malos.
Tiempo que pasa verdad que huye.
Prohibido reunirse más de dos pues mas se corre el peligro que se hagan grupos
Cierro todas las universidades del pais y aqui no pasa nada.
Hemos ganado la guerra doscientos años mas de incultura
…España anomalia modelo.
Bueno… los orígenes de la economía de la incultura… pues vaya usted a saber.
Jovellanos, Goya, los ilustrados… ya conocían y denunciaban el problema. Galdós y el 98 también… y así continuamos, qué quieres que te diga…