Los conflictos territoriales vasco, catalán, gallego y gibraltareño no agotan los problemas fronterizos españoles. Un lector de Financial Times recuerda esta mañana el espinoso problema de Olivença, sugiriendo que España devuelva a Portugal esa ciudad extremeña, antes de poder exigir la devolución de Gibraltar.
Financial Times, 5 febrero 2007.
All Spain has to do to get Gibraltar back
By Goncalo CabralSir, If Spain wants Gibraltar back I suggest it should set an example («Wrangle rooted in 1713 treaty allows Kim to keep his treats», February 2). It could start by returning to Portugal the city of Olivença which it occupied in the early 19th century. Although Portugal’s right to Olivença was recognised by the Congress of Vienna (1815), Spain never gave it back. I believe that the inhabitants of today’s Olivença would be against a change in the status quo, but so are Gibraltar’s inhabitants.
Taipa, Macau.
● Olivenza [Wiki. Esp.]
● Olivença [Wiki. Port.]
● Grupo dos amigos de Olivença. Historia, estatuto jurídico, etc.
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