Tal como Liberation, el Times y el Guardian cuentan y comentan la reducción de pena de Juana Chaos pudieran temerse nuevas tormentas de odio mutuo.
● La descripción del Times, anunciando conmoción y alborotos, sugiere un campo de minas descoyuntando todas las certidumbres morales: Uproar over early release for Eta hunger-striker.
● El relato de Liberation [Peine réduite pour le Basque JCH 13 febrero 07] hace muy visibles los flecos inflamables, atizados por la algarabía callejera y los altavoces audiovisuales:
“Depuis son arrestation, en janvier 1987, pour 25 assassinats (gardes civils et policiers), Juana Chaos n’a cessé de faire parler de lui. Comme en 1997, quand il fête au champagne, dans sa cellule, l’assassinat par ETA d’un élu municipal d’un petit village de Navarre. Fin 2005, alors qu’il n’est pas loin de purger sa peine de vingt ans, de Juana Chaos reçoit une mauvaise nouvelle : l’Audience nationale, tribunal chargé du terrorisme, ne veut pas le voir retrouver sa liberté. Une décision en bonne partie due aux pressions de la presse et de l’opinion publique.”
● Cuando Peter Preston afirma en el Guardian [Jaw-jaw is just a start, 12 febrero 07] que el caso Juana Chaos abre otro capítulo del libro del terror global pudiera temerse años si no décadas de odio y terror, que la cronología del Times, A political weapon, 13 febrero 07, sitúa en una perspectiva más vasta e inquietante:
- The record for the longest hunger strike is held by Bhupendra Kumar Dutta, who fasted for 78 days in 1917 in protest against British rule in India. He survived and lived until 1979.
- Irish republican prisoners began a hunger strike led by Bobby Sands on March 1, 1981, that was scheduled to last until October 3. Several of them starved to death. Sands died after 66 days of fasting.
- Barry Horne, a British animal rights activist, went on four hunger strikes, the longest of which lasted 68 days and left him partially blind. He died on the last, in 2001, while in prison.
- Mahatma Gandhi engaged in two famous hunger strikes against changes to the Indian Constitution. Neither lasted more than 21 days.
- Suffragettes frequently went on hunger strike in British prisons. The first, Marion Dunlop, fasted for 91 hours in 1909.
- Guantanamo Bay prisoners went on hunger strike in 2002 against conditions in the camp.
- In 1980, the Welsh nationalist politician Gwynfor Evans threatened to go on hunger strike to hold the Conservative Government to its election promise to set up a Welsh-language TV channel. The Government capitulated.
Fuentes: Times archives, BBC.
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