Cena en casa de los S*. Sin esperar a la sobremesa, J* deja caer: “Aznar vetó a Rato como líder del PP, porque Rato se atrevió a criticar el apoyo incondicional de Aznar a Bush y su intervención militar en Irak”.
La prensa de la mañana no entra en tales menudencias, y prefiere contemplar el retorno de Rato a Madrid desde otras perspectivas.
Financial Times, 29 junio 2007. Surprise at Rato’s decision to step down early as IMF managing director
[ .. ] In Madrid, close friends of Mr Rato expressed surprise at his decision to return home, Leslie Crawford writes. They thought it unlikely that Mr Rato, a former finance minister and leading light of the Popular party, would seek to re-enter Spanish politics.
They believe Mr Rato is unlikely to want to challenge Mariano Rajoy for the leadership of the Popular party, particularly after its strong showing in local elections last month. A general election is due by March. «He is really leaving the IMF for personal reasons,» one close friend said. Mr Rato, who is divorced, has three children who remained in Spain when he moved to Washington.
Le Monde, 29 / 30 junio 2007. Rodrigo Rato va quitter prématurément le FMI
[ .. ] Ce père de trois enfants, ancien ministre espagnol de l’Economie où il passait pour l’homme du «miracle» économique, espérait laisser son empreinte au FMI en lui imposant la réforme la plus ambitieuse depuis sa création en 1945.
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