“Mercado inmobiliario en caída libre” [ .. ] “Duro aterrizaje” [ .. ] “Nuevos y más graves problemas” [ .. ]
[ .. ]
Mientras el Congreso se distrae con sus cosas, el granizo cae y amenaza con continuar cayendo sobre los techos hipotecados de los más frágiles:
Spain’s once-booming property market is in freefall, official statistics have revealed for the first time [ .. ] [The Independent, 27 marzo 08. Elizabeth Nash, Spain’s property market suffers meltdown].
Spain’s residential property market is heading for a hard landing, as tightening credit conditions exacerbate problems of oversupply and years of rampant price inflation [ .. ] According to some analysts, Wednesday’s figures reflect only part of the store [ .. ] [Financial Times, 27 marzo 08. Mark Mulligan, Spain’s property market headed for a fall].
Economía en este Infierno.
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