“Zapatero debe afrontar la rebelión de los gobiernos regionales, socialistas incluidos…”
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Desde la óptica de La Vanguardia, el presidente de una nación voluntariamente constituida en región autónoma ha vetado como embajador al representante político de una nación histórica cuya influencia es motivo de sorda disputa con el gobierno del Estado, con el fin evidente de preservar su influencia diplomática propia en el exterior: “La pela es la pela” [2 junio 08, Chaves vetó a Clos como embajador para conservar su influencia en Rabat].
Desde la óptica de Financial Times, Zapatero debe afrontar la sorda rebelión de enfrentados gobiernos autónomos:
Spain’s re-elected Socialist government is facing a rebellion from an unexpected quarter: regional governments – many of them led by fellow Socialists – clamouring for more money as the economy slows and tax receipts shrink.
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Spain’s poorer regions, including the Socialist strongholds of Extremadura and Andalusia, are vigorous defenders of the current system, which tops up taxes levied locally with large dollops of central government funds. [ .. ] Catalonia, another huge repository of Socialist votes, says the system is unfair. It is a big region of 7.5m inhabitants that contributes 19 per cent to Spain’s gross domestic product. But Catalonia argues it has suffered decades of neglect and underinvestment, because taxes paid in Catalonia have gone to finance the development of poorer regions.
Parts of Catalonia’s infrastructure are indeed crumbling.
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Extremadura, Spain’s poorest region, says it will not accept the new redistribution formula being proposed by Catalonia. Andalusia, for its part, wants the government to take into account the educational needs of its large infant population. Extremadura says it is its ageing population, dispersed in small villages, that needs more attention. [Financial Times, 3 junio 08. Leslie Crawford, Catalonia in plea for funding].
Es curioso contemplar como dos comunidades de opiniones tan encontradas en el tema de la financiacion pueden ser los nidos de votos mas grandes para el mismo candidato. Marchando otra de esquizofrenia?
Cada tema con sus locossssssssssss…
PS. Sobre YSL… si no recuerdo mal, el MoMa ya hizo una gran expo. sobre su obra…