“España, en clara recesión” [ .. ] “Zapatero, atrapado por el enfriamiento” [ .. ] “El peor verano desde 1960” [ .. ]
[ .. ]
Europa mal, España peor:
[ .. ] While the Spanish economy is clearly in recession territory, the outlook in the rest of the euro zone for the second half of the year has considerably deteriorated,» said Laurent Bilke, an economist at Lehman Brothers in London. [ .. ] Wall Street Journal, 4 agosto 08. Emma Charlton y Joe Parkinson, Europe’s Economic Slump Widens].
Los problemas pendientes:
THIS IS the season when Spanish politicians like to be photographed on the beach, softening the disaffection in which they are held by many voters through a display of common humanity. [ .. ] Firstly, after months of wilful denial, he has had to admit that the Spanish economy is facing recession, with unemployment at a 10-year high. The wheels of Spain’s administrative finances, greatly complicated by the country’s devolution of powers to 17 autonomous governments, are screeching under this pressure. Zapatero’s problem is that his minority government needs support from smaller parties to approve his annual budget, but regional rivalries make this support extremely elusive. [ .. ] The prime minister may take a little consolation from his achievement last month of a detente with the main opposition party, the conservative Partido Popular. The PP has abandoned the far-right rhetoric it espoused during his first administration and is co-operating with the government on critical areas like terrorism and the justice system. The opposition will offer him no quarter, however, on the battlefield of the economy. And that is the issue which will cast most shadows for Spaniards as they make their August exodus to the beach this year. [Iristh Times, 5 agosto 08. Economic chill hits Zapatero].
El País, 4 agosto 08. El deterioro del empleo se agrava con el peor mes de julio desde 1960.
● Economía en este Infierno.
Más que enfriado, Zapatero está frosty… esto es, escarchado. Y luego dirá: «la escarcha es la esencia de la democracia». Y todo arreglado.
Saludos desde el caribe granadino
Mercè, Àngel, Paco,
… Paco,
Seguro que no tenéis mosquitos tigres ni medusas, como en el oasis catalán,
… Mercè, Àngel,
Me tomo la libertad de responderos por este otro hilo, para no herir susceptibilidades en cuestiones familiares.
Como es notorio, Valle Inclán odiaba a don José de Echegaray.
Saliendo al paso de alguna salida inconveniente, un señorín terció:
-Diga usted lo que quiera. Pero no entre en su vida privada.
«¿Y quién es uzted?», preguntó inquisitivo don Ramón.
-El hijo de don José Echegaray, respondió el caballero.
-¿Está usted seguro, joven? sentenció Valle.