La BBC siente un interés nulo por la cobardía y el eclipse de ZP ante la crisis, dejando que sus hombres de mano negocien su no aparición pública, en el Congreso, para dar la cara. Prefiere desenterrar un tema viejo, negro y sórdido: las guerras del agua.
“… el desierto crece en España” [ .. ] “En España, el arma política del agua enfrenta a región contra región, el norte contra el sur, el gobierno contra la oposición”. Etc…
Spain is experiencing its worst drought in 40 years. Climate experts warn that the country is suffering badly from the impact of climate change and that the Sahara is slowly creeping north – into the Spanish mainland.
Yet in Spain itself there is little consensus about what is to be done. Indeed, such is the disagreement that journalists and politicians alike are calling it «water wars».
A farmer and politician, Angel Carcia Udon, said: «Water arouses passions because it can be used as a weapon, a political weapon, just as oil is a political weapon».
And water in Spain has set region against region, north against south and government against opposition. [ .. ] [BBC, 18 agosto 08. Sue Lloyd-Roberts, Spain sweats amid ‘water wars’].
● España, federalismo, agua y botín de guerra.
● Ecología en este Infierno.
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