Los medios financieros más influyentes en la escena internacional estiman que el presidente Zapatero “está perdiendo el control del Parlamento, cuando la crisis económica se agrava para los españoles”.
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Financial Times describe una situación de fragilidad y parálisis política creciente, con un largo frente de incertidumbres, bloqueos, crisis de fondo, que hacen más visible el inmovilismo gubernamental:
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Spain’s usually cheery Socialist prime minister, is encountering intense political difficulties as his party loses control of the national parliament and the ability to make the laws it wants.
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Dependent on regional parties for their lawmaking, the Socialists have, therefore, won a poisoned chalice in the Basque election. In recent days they have eagerly courted Catalan nationalist deputies from the north-east to make up for the missing Basques.
The government has at least 15 draft laws, covering everything from the promotion of renewable energy to the easing of abortion rules, that it wants to pass in the coming months.
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“He doesn’t have the numbers,” one foreign ambassador says of Mr Zapatero, noting that the prime minister was finding the votes problematic even before the Basque election. “The number of bills, the number of hours in session are half those of last year because he doesn’t want to go to the parliament.”
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Signs of government weakness are already apparent. Mariano Fernández Bermejo, the justice minister, was forced to quit after spending a hunting weekend (and failing to buy a hunting licence) with a senior judge who was investigating a PP-linked corruption scandal. Pedro Solbes, the finance minister, is expected to step down in another cabinet reshuffle soon, perhaps in April.
“Now is the time to talk of labour reform, of universities and schools, and of constitutional reform,” says Joseba Arregi, a political commentator in Bilbao who is critical of Mr Zapatero. “Instead of the substance of politics, he gives us gestures, nice phrases and a smile.” [ .. ] [Financial Times, 26 marzo 09. Victor Malle, Basque victory spells trouble for Zapatero].
Las negritas son mías.
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ABC, Zapatero, acosado por todos, se mofa de que España recuperara Perejil.
El País, Zapatero sufre un severo revolcón en el Congreso por la polémica de Kosovo.
La Vanguardia, El incidente de Kosovo agranda la soledad parlamentaria de Zapatero.
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