El gobierno de España hace promesas con dinero que no tiene, hipotecando la prosperidad de mañana con las promesas pagadas con billetes de lotería y subvenciones filantrópicas pagadas cheques sin fondos, cuando el cajero / Banco central sigue advirtiendo que hay un margen cero para seguir gastando.
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Wall Street Journal lo cuenta con una prosa nada lírica:
MADRID.- Spain’s central bank issued a stark warning to the country’s government Wednesday, saying there is no more room to revive the economy with fresh spending.
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The margin for new spending or tax cuts is «nonexistent» unless new measures to cut the budget deficit in the medium term are taken, Malo de Molina said. Failing that, «we will find ourselves in a situation where we have to apply restrictive measures when the economy is still in a phase of contraction,» further deepening the slump.
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Since Spain adopted the euro as its currency in 1999, the Bank of Spain has no longer been responsible for the country’s monetary policy. But it remains an influential and independent voice on economic matters. Mr. Malo de Molina’s words Wednesday contrast with recent comments by Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who has said the government could implement a fresh fiscal stimulus to jog Spain’s ailing economy. Last week, Mr. Zapatero replaced the country’s finance minister, Pedro Solbes, who had opposed measures that would further push the country’s accounts into deficit.
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Mr. Zapatero often points to Spain’s relatively low level of public debt. But the Bank of Spain projects the level of public debt to rise sharply from 39% of GDP in 2008 to 60% in 2010 — the EU’s limit.
Spain has already applied one of Europe’s largest fiscal stimulus packages in relation to the size of its economy, plunging its accounts deep into the red.
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Mr. Zapatero’s popularity is waning as Spain’s economy falls into a deep slump following the collapse of its decade-long housing and construction boom. Unemployment has more than doubled to 15% in a year, the highest rate in the 27-nation European Union. The Bank of Spain expects it to peak at more than 19% next year. [ .. ] [The Wall Street Journal, 15 /16 abril 09. Thomas Catan y Johathan House, Spain’s Central Bank Says No Room Left for New Stimulus].
Las negritas son mías.
Lauro says
En la historia de la democracia española, Aznar y Zapatero son dos modelos antagónicos, pero simétricos, de presidentes que, no sólo no ha necesitado España,sino que cada uno en su ámbito ha constribuido a toda esta disgregación educativa, territorial, axiológica que ha trocado España en un esperpento de sí misma. A Aznar lo echamos, pero éste aún sigue encarnando la representación de un gobierno rídículo que o no puede, o no quiere, ni siquiera, disimular, sino al contrario: hacer alarde de sus desvalores.
JP Quiñonero says
La verdad sea dicha: soy un poco menos apocalíptico. Pero bueno, nobody’s perfect,
Juan Pedro says
Creo que debemos aprender a no dejarnos influir por noticias manipuladas de los inteligentes que ya no tiene el poder. Zapatero es posible que no lo este haciendo del todo bien, pero la situación que se ha venido encima de todo el mundo, no es la de opulencia que tuvo Aznar y que no estimo oportuno utilizar para invertir I+D que nos pedia Europa y que ahora en otros pasises que si lo hicieron se ve el orizonte de otra forma.