Su nieta teme que los huesos de Federico García Lorca terminen en YouTube.
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¿Puede España contemplar con serenidad su propio pasado?, se pregunta el New Yorker:
Laura García Lorca, the poet’s niece… “But, no, it seems it is conservative to not open a tomb, and progressive to open it. They have even said we are homophobes. This is defamation, just plain crazy. It’s not that. It’s that there is a prurient interest in this search for Federico García Lorca. An dit is logical ; he was a symbol. But we want him to be respected. For us, the prospect os exposing further the degrading circumstances in which he was murdered is vere desagreeable. To violate him further would be, for some-very unpleasant».
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“We don’t want this to become a spectacle. But it is very difficult to imagine that the bones and skull os Federico García Lorca will not end up on YouTube” [The New Yorker, 22 junio 2009. Jon Lee Anderson, Letter from Andalusia. Lorca’s Bones].
Las negritas son mías.
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