“Quizá haya una continuidad histórica de la exportación de botijos y panderetas a la importación de casinos y mafiosos.”
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Está por estudiar la importancia del fútbol, las loterías, los casinos y los prostíbulos en la historia de la “salida” de la crisis.
Los gremios empresariales de tales actividades insisten en sus aportaciones al PIB (municipal, regional, estatal).
Las víctimas de la crisis hacen lo que pueden para intentar salir del hoyo.
El New York Times cuenta la historia de la floración de nuevos casinos madrileños (y no madrileños), tras el fracaso de EuroVegas:
Spain still faces considerable economic challenges, including a 26 percent unemployment rate. But the casino revival has also made a contribution to Madrid on the jobs front. Gran Vía created 270 new jobs while Gran Madrid created 200 jobs, in addition to relocating 250 existing staff members to Madrid. Some of the new employees had little or no previous work experience, let alone in the casino business.
“Croupier is certainly not what I expected to become, but it’s proving an exciting opportunity,” said Valeria García, 21, who has been completing a history degree at Madrid’s Complutense University.
Ms. García oversees a roulette table for six hours an evening. Croupiers like her earn €1,500 a month to start, with pay rising to about €2,400 including tips. On average, the casino pays staff €1,600 a month. “Given how things are in Spain now,” she said, “it’s unfortunately not with history that I was going to find a job.”
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Mr. Adelson’s EuroVegas would have provided formidable competition for smaller Spanish operators. On the other hand, the Spanish companies anticipated that EuroVegas would help bolster the Spanish gambling sector as a whole and raise its international profile.
They also hoped to benefit from the same tax concessions that Mr. Adelson wanted to obtain for EuroVegas. Mr. Adelson scrapped his plans and turned his sights on opportunities in Asia after failing to win special tax benefits and an exemption from a nationwide ban on smoking in public spaces [ .. ] Failed EuroVegas Bid Was Still a Boon for Spanish Casinos.
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