“Incluso Rajoy está sorprendido..”.
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En un país donde las desigualdades han crecido de manera espectacular, con la crisis, al mismo ritmo que los escándalos, cuando Cataluña y la angustia social iluminan el futuro con negras luces fluorescentes:
Economist, 27 junio 2014… Even Mariano Rajoy, the centre-right prime minister, seems surprised by the pace of recovery. [ .. ]
The OECD rich-country think-tank says that inequality grew more in Spain between 2007 and 2011 than in any other member country, with the young and poorest hit hardest. Many are turning away from traditional politics: far-left parties took more than 20% of the vote in the recent European elections. In Catalonia the escape valve for resentment is separatism. Even the arrival of a new king has not stemmed the flood of scandals engulfing Spain’s institutions, the latest being the charging of his sister, Princess Cristina, with money-laundering and tax fraud. For Mr Rajoy, recovery in all senses still has some way to go… Spain’s economic recovery.
- “Europa sale de la recesión…” ¿Y..?
- Oscuras perspectivas para españoles y europeos.
- Severa advertencia de Merkel a Hollande y Rajoy.
- Europa (s), España, Francia y Economía en este Infierno.
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