Financial Times: «Syriza y Podemos pueden salvar la zona euro».
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Ese anuncio formaba parte del programa de Syriza: A Syriza candidate speaks. On the consequences of Mr Draghi’s impending QE announcement.
Ese anuncio fue recibido como un espaldarazo por Syriza:
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“All those who spread fear and panic are debunked by Draghi’s statements,” Syriza said, adding that “the ECB President announcement on the launch of a government bond-buying program responded to the extremely restrictive policies by being in favor of quantitative easing and keeping a distance from the extreme neo-liberal voices, among which, unfortunately, is that of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.”
“Everybody knows what moves were made by the outgoing Prime Minister,” Syriza underlined, pointing out that Samaras had opposed quantitative easing instead of supporting it, in alliance with German Chancellor Angela Merkel… SYRIZA Comments on ECB President Draghi’s Announcements.
Banqueros y analistas financieros reciben el proyecto Draghi como una “zanahoria” para Syriza: Draghi Corners Greek Anti-Austerity Candidate by Tying Stimulus to Good Behavior.
El Economist no cree que el triunfo de Syriza sea un desastre para Grecia ni para Europa.
Syriza no es culpable del estado de bancarrota de Grecia que amenaza a toda Europa.
Las campanas de Syriza / Grecia redoblan en toda Europa, España incluida.
Financial Times: «Syriza y Podemos pueden salvar la zona euro».
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