Martin Parr, GB ENGLAND Ascot 1999, Think of England.
Cosas de Fiona Hill, directora del Center on the United States and Europe, de la Brookings Institution, donde saben mucho de estas cosas.
[ .. ]
… Twenty-five years ago, in March 1991, shaken by the fall of the Berlin Wall and the rise of nationalist-separatist movements in the Soviet Baltic and Caucasus republics, Mikhail Gorbachev held a historic referendum. He proposed the creation of a new union treaty to save the USSR. The gambit failed. Although a majority of the Soviet population voted yes, some key republics refused to participate. And so began the dissolution of the USSR… The «greatest catastrophe» of the 21st century? Brexit and the dissolution of the U.K.
Paralelismo, el de dos imperios difuntos, acelerando su fragmentación a través de un referéndum.
Paralelismo, el de una nación víctima del voto enfrentado de sus distintas naciones: Brexit… voto enfrentado de los países / naciones del antiguo Reino Unido.
Paralelismo subrayado por el New York Times:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as it is formally known, is one of only a handful of countries that consist of multiple nations, politically and legally distinct but united under a common government [ .. ] The promise of multinationalism that its most committed adherents in the United Kingdom are not the largest and most powerful group, but rather the minority Scottish and Irish so eager to be tied to something larger, even if that means leaving the old partnership to remain in Europe… After ‘Brexit,’ 3 Centuries of Unity in Britain Are in Danger.
Proceso de desintegración de un antiguo Reino Unido, víctima de otros ataques de fragmentación, nacional y europea, que la inmigración subraya a escala continental, como recordó Financial Times hace meses: Europe enters the age of disintegration.
Paralelismos que nada me cuesta recordar; yo mismo los he subrayado desde hace años:
Iluminaciones sobre el ocaso de Europa.
Brexit y crisis / ocaso histórico de Europa.
Brexit contado por Martin Parr, Paul Graham, Chris Killip, Miles Aldridge y …
George Steiner, el ocaso de Europa y el desarraigo de los jóvenes europeos.
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