“Incierta gloria”.
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Persecución, deportación, expulsión, hoguera y / o autos de fé contra las minorías religiosas.
Destierro de centenares de millares de víctimas… Incierta gloria de las expulsiones masivas de judíos y moriscos, en la España de 1492 a 1609.
Tragedia inmensa, que tuvo una importancia crucial en la destrucción de España y es uno de los precedentes más devastadores, moralmente, de la actual “crisis de los refugiados:
“Europe today is a point of arrival for populations coming from countries at war—Muslims but also Christians of Iraq and Syria. By contrast, during the early modern period, Europe was a point of departure for thousands of Jews and Muslims persecuted in Spain and Portugal.”
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“The large-scale expulsions of 1492 and 1609 were moments of crisis comparable to those we are currently facing: The risk of sinking in the Mediterranean, disease, hunger and robberies were also the lot of migrants at the time. Like refugees today, the latter were not equal in their misfortune: The ability to mobilize money and networks was a vital asset. These displacements were the result of the authorities’ political will to eliminate religious minorities—a will that is also found in the territories held by ISIS, in the policy of persecution of Christians, but also (and this is an essential difference from the events of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries) in the mode of ethnic cleansing and genocide as concerns Yazidis and other groups…”
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… “An important difference between the two periods is the relative indifference of the populations who saw the Jews and Muslims depart (from Spain or Portugal) or arrive (in North Africa or elsewhere): Mechanisms of solidarity remained internal to the communities concerned, whether Sephardic or Morisco. Lastly, whereas we have only a few images or testimonies of these forced displacements, media and social networks today help to produce accounts of refugees’ travels, to mobilize humanitarian solidarity… but also to arouse concerns in the host societies…” The “Refugee Crises” of the 16th and 17th Century.
Las negritas son mías.
Los moriscos también son españoles.
Nueva y vieja España multicultural: sefardíes y moriscos de nacionalidad española.
El problema común de Alemania, Reino Unido, Francia, España y…
El multiculturalismo y el futuro de Europa y las naciones europeas.
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