The New Yorker, 21 marzo 2022.
Ana Juan, gran artista, valenciana de nacimiento…
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Su última portada del New Yorker es muy bella. Sus palabras ayudan a comprender cuestiones de fondo sobre la guerra, la creación, el arte…
How did you choose which medium to use for this cover?
I tried to keep things somewhat rough. I used charcoal and acrylic colors to convey the feeling of being on the front line. I looked at contemporary photos, of course, but also at images from the First and Second World Wars to capture the atmosphere: the soldier’s attitude, people escaping, and the bombed-out ruins in the background.
There are so many terrible images coming out of this invasion. How did you choose the focus for your cover?
I kept thinking about a mother’s hands. When you are lost and you don’t have the words to understand the world, a mother’s hands are your shelter. It can also be the hands of a relative or, as happens during a war, the hands of a stranger.
With so many tragic events in the news, is there anything that brings you hope?
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find much hope recently. covid-19; the assault on the Capitol; Afghanistan; a volcano erupting on La Palma, here in Spain; and now we are at war in Europe—these are all things that we thought couldn’t happen. Anyway, I do try to believe in a better future. New Yorker, Ana Juan’s “Motherland”.
Las negritas son mías.
Ménilmontant … street art homenaje a la resistencia heroica de la Isla de las Serpientes, en Ucrania.
Intentemos creer en un futuro mejor…No perdamos la esperanza.
Realmente conmovedora la obra de Ana Juan.
Gracias por compartirla.
Claro, claro … la esperanza es esencial: una fuerza esencial, que mantiene viva lo esencial, que la madres, las madres encarnan … matriz de lo vivo y por venir, sí… la ilusión y esperanza de un mundo nuevo …