The New Yorker, 4 diciembre 2024. Foto Brian Finke.
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The New Yorker, 4 diciembre 2024. Foto Brian Finke.
«Many now believe that the U.S. could descend into political violence. Some are joining survivalist communities, canning food—and buying guns. [ .. ] According to an analysis of data, some twenty million Americans are actively preparing for cataclysm—roughly twice as many as in 2017. Political violence, including the spectre of civil war, is one of the reasons. A recent study conducted by researchers at U.C. Davis concluded that one in three adults in the U.S., including up to half of Republicans, feel that violence is “usually or always justied” to advance certain political objectives (say, returning Trump to the White House). In May, Ray Dalio, the billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of the world’s largest hedge funds, told the Financial Times that he believed there was about a thirty-ve-per-cent chance of civil war breaking out in America. “We are now on the brink,” Dalio said, noting that a modern civil war—though it might not involve muskets—would see the fracturing of states and widespread deance of federal law. In June, Dalio upped his estimate to “uncomfortably more than 50 percent,” predicting “an existential battle of the hard right against the hard left in which you will have to pick a side and ght for it, or keep your head down, or flee.” The New Yorker, 4 diciembre 2024. The Americans Prepping for a Second Civil War.
Las negritas son mías.
Dicho de manera coloquial… muchos, muchos americanos piensan que la violencia es «legítima» para conseguir «objetivos políticos», y se preparan a lo peor, enfrentamientos armados, y… almacenan comida, armas, municiones, organizándose en comunidades, dispuestos a combatir un «orden» o «desorden» que consideran inquietante para el futuro de sus familias, sus pueblos, sus estados, los EE. UU.
Apenas menos optimista, el New York Times habla de una gran nación angustiada, dividida, fragmentada, precipitando tensiones individuales, familiares, matrimoniales, vecinales, amenazando el futuro de la nación. The New York Times, 4 noviembre, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald J. Trump have framed the presidential race as an existential battle.
Taylor Swift puede salvar a los EE. UU y Europa.
Kamala Harris, esperanza universal.
Trump, Putin, Netanyahu, Hamás, Le Pen y las extremas derechas en Europa.
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