OCDE y analistas internacionales temen que España siga hundiéndose en la crisis.
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“España se comporta peor de lo esperado” [ .. ] “Profunda depresión” [ .. ] “Las previsiones de la OCDE anuncian para España, el 2010, los peores resultados entre los 30 primeros países industrializados”…
Spain’s economy, unlike those of Germany and France, performed worse than expected in the second quarter and remains mired in a deep recession, according to the latest official growth statistics released on Friday.
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Economists are now focusing on how José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the prime minister, can hope to restore growth without breaking the government’s promise to reduce its budget deficit to 3 per cent of GDP by 2012. “I just do not see how that’s possible without killing the economy,” said Mr Bryant.
The deficit is expected to reach 10 per cent this year and the central government and the autonomous regions continue to spend heavily. On Thursday, the cabinet announced plans to spend €642m to extend unemployment benefits for a further six months for those who have reached the end of their contracted benefits.
Latest forecasts from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development suggest that the Spanish economy will shrink 4. 2 per cent this year, similar to the OECD as a whole, but that in 2010 its decline of 0.9 per cent will be the worst performance among the 30 industrialised nations except for Hungary and Ireland. [ .. ] [Financial Times, 14/15 agosto 2009. Victor Mallet, Spanish growth data disappoint].
Las negritas son mías.
- Zapatero conduce a España hacia la decadencia.
- España, crisis y decadencia pendientes.
- España y Economía en este Infierno.
e-faro.info Las promesas de Zapatero [viñeta]
Estamos buenos…
Quién ha escrito esto, álguien del PP? porque vamos, que yo sepa, ni el PSOE ni el PP pueden sacarnos de esta crisis, y paises como México, que son tercermundistas, en un futuro estarán por encima de España!!! Pero qué nos está pasando? álguien lo sabe? Por qué no ponen solucion??????????????????????????????????????