En cierta medida, el destino de nuestra Europa y nuestra civilización también está quedando hipotecado al futuro de Ucrania.
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¿Será cierto que se está hundiendo la tiranía de los títeres de Putin? Ioulia Timochenko : « La dictature en Ukraine est tombée ».
“Nos queda la ilusión de poder esperar que los ucranianos devuelvan un aura sacra a las viejas semillas que forjaron nuestra identidad: determinación a morir por las ideas, en defensa de la identidad humana, cívica, (Sócrates); determinación al sacrificio supremo, por convicción espiritual (Jesús)…” Ucrania, Rusia, Europa, Jesús, Sócrates, nosotros…
Gran especialista en la historia política de Europa central, Timothy D. Snyder describe con precisión como las mafias rusas están echando los cimientos de un nuevo modelo de tiranía, en Ucrania, cuando los geoestrategas de Putin están coqueteando con una síntesis conceptual de nazismo y stalinismo, al servicio de las mafias económicas, políticas y militares rusas:
In practice, will Ukraine become a dictatorship? Ukrainians have powerful reasons to resist. These laws, now signed by the president, end the Ukrainian republic as they have known it. They also much reduce the possibility of future European integration, something which is yearned for throughout the country, and for that matter among elites and the political class. No one in Brussels or European capitals is going to lobby for a trade deal with a leadership that has explicitly chosen authoritarianism. If these laws are allowed to stand, the future of Ukraine will thus be with Belarus and Russia, for lack of another option. This makes no economic sense, since Europe’s market is bigger and more important. The only kind of sense it makes is political, for a president who knows he is too weak in his own society to win another democratic election.
In the past decade, Ukrainians have been among the most impressive defenders of their own rights. In the past weeks, Ukrainians have been defending the idea of Europe, inspiring Europeans themselves. Will anyone defend civil society in Ukraine? … Ukraine: The New Dictatorship.
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The Eurasian Union is the enemy of the European Union, not just in strategy but in ideology. The European Union is based on a historical lesson: that the wars of the twentieth century were based on false and dangerous ideas, National Socialism and Stalinism, which must be rejected and indeed overcome in a system guaranteeing free markets, free movement of people, and the welfare state. Eurasianism, by contrast, is presented by its advocates as the opposite of liberal democracy.
The Eurasian ideology draws an entirely different lesson from the twentieth century. Founded around 2001 by the Russian political scientist Aleksandr Dugin, it proposes the realization of National Bolshevism. Rather than rejecting totalitarian ideologies, Eurasianism calls upon politicians of the twenty-first century to draw what is useful from both fascism and Stalinism. Dugin’s major work, The Foundations of Geopolitics, published in 1997, follows closely the ideas of Carl Schmitt, the leading Nazi political theorist. Eurasianism is not only the ideological source of the Eurasian Union, it is also the creed of a number of people in the Putin administration, and the moving force of a rather active far-right Russian youth movement. For years Dugin has openly supported the division and colonization of Ukraine.
The point man for Eurasian and Ukrainian policy in the Kremlin is Sergei Glazyev, an economist who like Dugin tends to combine radical nationalism with nostalgia for Bolshevism. He was a member of the Communist Party and a Communist deputy in the Russian parliament before cofounding a far-right party called Rodina, or Motherland. In 2005 some of its deputies signed a petition to the Russian prosecutor general asking that all Jewish organizations be banned from Russia. [ .. ] In fact, Ukrainians are in a struggle against both the concentration of wealth and the concentration of armed force in the hands of Viktor Yanukovych and his close allies. The protesters might be seen as setting an example of courage for Americans of both the left and the right. Ukrainians make real sacrifices for the hope of joining the European Union. Might there be something to be learned from that among Euroskeptics in London or elsewhere? This is a dialogue that is not taking place.
The history of the Holocaust is part of our own public discourse, our agora, or maidan. The current Russian attempt to manipulate the memory of the Holocaust is so blatant and cynical that those who are so foolish to fall for it will one day have to ask themselves just how, and in the service of what, they have been taken in. If fascists take over the mantle of antifascism, the memory of the Holocaust will itself be altered. It will be more difficult in the future to refer to the Holocaust in the service of any good cause, be it the particular one of Jewish history or the general one of human rights… Fascism, Russia, and Ukraine.
Las negritas son mías.
- Las campanas doblan por Ucrania y Europa.
- El papel higiénico de Merkel, Hollande y la UE no seca la sangre derramada por los títeres de Putin.
- Llamamiento del escritor ucraniano Yuri Andrujovic a los ciudadanos europeos.
- Cohn-Bendit, Finkielkraut y Quiñonero sobre las crisis de Europa.
- Quiñonero rescata una carta de Adriano a Yourcenar sobre el destino de Atenas.
- Adriano recuerda a Yourcenar el destino de Atenas.
- Europa(s), UE y Pensamiento en este Infierno.
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