Si el PPE apoya las tesis del PP contra el proceso negociador iniciado por el presidente Zapatero, y los grupos socialista, liberal, ecologista y comunista del Parlamento europeo apoyan las tesis del PSOE, como asegura la agencia Reuters, desde Helsinki, quizá pudiera pensarse que tiene algún éxito la exportación cainita del odio; sin que sea totalmente descartable la promoción de nuevas iniciativas: la publicación de esquelas mortuorias, con las que perseguir a los vivos con el lienzo ensangrentado de los muertos desenterrados o insepultos.
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Cuando el New York Times comenta la nueva película de Clint Eastwood, con inquieto respeto, pone el dedo en una llaga que habla de los orígenes de la tragedia, en Grecia:
If «Flags of Our Fathers» feels so unlike most war movies, and sounds so contrary to the usual political rhetoric, it is not because it affirms that war is hell, which it does with unblinking, graphic, brutality. It’s because Eastwood insists, with a moral certitude that is all too rare, that we extract an unspeakable cost when we ask men to kill other men.
¿Cual es el unspeakable cost de matar al hermano, el padre, o el vecino del pueblo? ¿Cuál es el unspeakable cost de desenterrar las cenizas profanadas de los muertos para lanzarlas a la cara de los vivos, con el deseo expreso de mancharles y desfigurarles su rostro humano..?
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Reuters, Thu Oct 19, 2006 10:00 PM BST
EU conservatives warn Spain against rewarding ETA
HELSINKI (Reuters) – Conservative political leaders in the European Union backed the Spanish opposition on Thursday in warning Spain against rewarding Basque ETA guerrillas with political concessions for ending violence.
The European Parliament is expected to adopt a resolution next week supporting the peace process initiated by Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.
But a resolution adopted by leaders of the conservative European People’s Party declared that «in no circumstances, the cessation of violence can be conditioned to obtaining political compensation.
«This would be a serious violation of the principles and values which are fundamental to the European Union, and especially concerning the territorial integrity of a member state,» the resolution said.
ETA declared a permanent ceasefire in March and Zapatero announced peace talks in June, but they have not yet officially begun, apparently because of a continued ban on the pro-independence political party Batasuna.
The European conservatives recalled that both ETA and Batasuna remained on the EU’s list of outlawed terrorist organisations.
The Socialist, Liberal, Greens and Communist groups in the EU legislature are backing the resolution supporting the peace process, ensuring it a majority.
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