Cencerrada siniestra.
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Confusión, cencerrada, tormentas de basura. ¿Conspirólogos? ¿Conspiranoicos..? El Economist parece pensar que trabajan para ZP, comerciando y enriqueciéndose con negros embustes y pedrería sucia.
[ .. ] The confusion has continued to haunt Spanish politics. Internet chatter, speculative journalism and political skulduggery, aided by a police investigation that could not answer all the questions, have combined to produce multiple conspiracy theories. Those theories, returning to the ETA theme or accusing the Socialists of a cover-up, lost most of their credibility this week when a Madrid court sentenced 21 people involved in the attacks. The court also laid out all the known facts about the bombings. ETA was absent. Violent Islamist radicals were to blame. That is good news for Mr Zapatero, who faces an election next March, but bad for the PP, which helped to fan the conspiracy theories.
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Will these verdicts enable most Spaniards to put behind them this most traumatic event in their recent history? Not completely. Conspiracy theorists will keep stirring the pot. Much depends on the PP. In recent months it has avoided the train-bombing subject. With the election approaching, and the court sentences now in, it may leave it alone completely. [ .. ] The Economist, 2 noviembre 2007. The Madrid bomb trials. Historic verdicts.
● 11-M: ETA, out.
● 11-M, memoria histórica, perdidos en el laberinto.
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