Tratándose de un vice presidente de los EE. UU., sus opiniones quizá merezcan reflexión.
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A juicio de Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and Michael Carpenter, Vladimir Putin también interviene o intenta intervenir en Cataluña / España, a través del arma temible de la “soft subversión” (ataques cibernéticos, desinformación, etcétera):
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“… Although Western cybersecurity experts and intelligence agencies were able to identify the Russian military intelligence agency as the main culprit behind both attacks, the disinformation had already penetrated the mainstream media by the time it was attributed to Russia.In France, the widespread knowledge of Russia’s prior involvement in the U.S. campaign somewhat lessened the Kremlin’s first-mover advantage. But Russia has hardly given up, and it has taken similar steps to sway political campaigns in a wide range of European countries, including for referendums in the Netherlands (on Ukraine’s integration with Europe), Italy (on governance reforms), and Spain (on Catalonia’s secession). Russian support for Alternative for Germany, a far-right party, aimed to increase the group’s vote totals in last fall’s parliamentary elections by amplifying its messaging on social media. A similar Russian effort is now under way to support the nationalist Northern League and the populist Five Star Movement in Italy’s upcoming parliamentary elections…”Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and Michael Carpenter, Foreing Affairs, 5 diciembre 2017, How to Stand Up to the Kremlin.
Las negritas son mías.
Pujol y su Cataluña fuera de juego en España y Europa.
Trump, Brexit, Europa, Francia, España, Cataluña… amenazas, locura y ocaso colectivo.
Putin, Trump y el ocaso de Europa… desde el Luxemburgo.
Fragilidad de Europa ante la nueva Estrategia de seguridad de Rusia.
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