Cosas de la siempre rigurosa London School of Economics y de Andrés Rodriguez-Pose:
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London School of Economics, 14 diciembre 2020, Weak and declining government effectiveness contributed to UK, Spain, Belgium and Italy being ravaged by first wave of COVID-19.
Weak and deteriorating government effectiveness in the UK, Spain, Belgium, and Italy, compounded by failures to strike society-wide consensus, played a key role in these European countries being hit hardest by the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, reveals a new study by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
Andrés Rodriguez-Pose, Princesa de Asturias Professor at LSE and one of the authors of the report, said: “The UK – along with Spain and Belgium – should have had extra time to prepare for the pandemic by heeding and reacting to what was happening in Italy. But years of declining government effectiveness meant that they were overconfident, when the reality was that they had limited capacity to respond.
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The researchers also found that pervasive social cleavages, where people do not connect with others from different cultural, social, economic and other types of backgrounds, was a major driver of the incidence of the pandemic.
In addition, a tendency to meet frequently with friends and family drove up mortality in Mediterranean countries.
Professor Rodriguez-Pose said: “Ineffectual governments failed to instill the trust necessary to bring their public on board with policies to tackle the pandemic. This was compounded by a lack of social cohesion and an ‘everyone for themselves’ attitude which undermined efforts to deliver an effective and coordinated response.” → London School of Economics, 14 diciembre 2020, Weak and declining government effectiveness contributed to UK, Spain, Belgium and Italy being ravaged by first wave of COVID-19.
Dicho de otro modo:
-Reacción tardía y falta de eficacia.
-Soberbia (“exceso de confianza”).
-Gobernanza declinante durante años.
-Ausencia de cohesión social.
-Individuos incapaz de “conectar” los unos con los otros por razones sociales, económicas, culturales y de otra naturaleza…
… agravaron la tragedia que comenzó con la primera hora de la pandemia. Luego llegaron las “vacaciones”, con ataques de irresponsabilidad gubernamental: España en tiempos del coronavirus … Sánchez, ética de la irresponsabilidad.
Suma y sigue.
Coronavirus, Covid-19, pandemia … Europa del sur / España arruinadas esperan los fondos UE pagados por la Europa del norte.
Europa va mal, España mucho peor … retroceso histórico, en tiempos del coronavirus.
España se aleja de Europa en tiempos del coronavirus.
España en tiempos del coronavirus … se aleja de Europa.
España en tiempos del coronavirus … se ha convertido en “el hombre enfermo de Europa” 2.
Sánchez / Iglesias, presupuestos del Estado para el alejamiento de Europa, vistos por Goya.
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