Cosas de Foreign Affairs y el Economist, dos referencias canónicas en cuestiones internacionales.
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De entrada, Foreign Affairs observa y teme una recesión democrática universal, con la agravación de síntomas inquietantes en los EE. UU.:
Foreign Affairs, 2 julio 2021, Larry Diamond, A World Without American Democracy?
“A prolonged global democratic recession has, in recent years, morphed into something even more troubling: the “third reverse wave” of democratic breakdowns that the political scientist Samuel Huntington warned could follow the remarkable burst of “third wave” democratic progress in the 1980s and the 1990s. Every year for the past 15 years, according to Freedom House, significantly more countries have seen declines in political rights and civil liberties than have seen gains. But since 2015, that already ominous trend has turned sharply worse: 2015–19 was the first five-year period since the beginning of the third wave in 1974 when more countries abandoned democracy—twelve—than transitioned to it—seven.
“And the trend continues. Illiberal populist leaders are degrading democracy in countries including Brazil, India, Mexico, and Poland, and creeping authoritarianism has already moved Hungary, the Philippines, Turkey, and Venezuela out of the category of democracies altogether. In Georgia, the dominance of the Georgian Dream Party has led to the steady decline of electoral processes and a breakdown in the rule of law. In Myanmar, the military overthrew the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, ending an experiment in partial democracy. In El Salvador, president Nayib Bukele staged an executive coup by removing the attorney general and Supreme Court justices who were obstacles to his consolidation of power. In Peru, democracy hangs from a thread as the right-wing autocrat Keiko Fujimori advances vague claims of election fraud in a bid to overturn her narrow electoral defeat to left-wing opponent Pedro Castillo.
“What is especially striking about this last case is that Fujimori’s gambit bears a grim resemblance to the lie perpetuated by former U.S. President Donald Trump and his followers about the 2020 presidential election. This is no coincidence.
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“If the United States winds up disfiguring its democracy by politicizing electoral administration and suppressing minority votes, autocrats will gleefully seize upon the American precedent as justification for their methods of blocking democratic change. And in declining democracies, politically vulnerable incumbents will embrace similar methods of violating electoral integrity in order to hang on to power.
“In short, what happens to democracy in the United States is likely to determine the fate of democracy around the world: whether this third wave of democratic reversals is turned back or gains horrific new momentum…”. Foreign Affairs, 2 julio 2021, Larry Diamond, A World Without American Democracy?
Las negritas son mías.
Por su parte, el Economist teme una deriva iliberal del partido Republicano, que considera inquietante para la democracia norteamericana, la “república imperial”, en la terminología clásica de Raymond Aron. A su modo de ver, la “herencia” de Donald Trump está causando estragos en un Partido Republicano con tentaciones “inquietantes” para el futuro de la democracia en los EE. UU. The Economist, 3 julio 2021, The real risk to America’s democracy.
El ocaso de la (s) democracia (s) en tiempos del coronavirus 2.
El ocaso de la (s) democracia (s) en tiempos del coronavirus.
Franco, España, Hungría, Polonia, Europa y el futuro de la (s) democracia (s).
España y los españoles, víctimas de sus gobiernos, partidos y políticos.
España en tiempos del coronavirus … Duelo a garrotazos, riña de los ataúdes, Estado fallido.
Jose says
Se podía ver en estos últimos doscientos años las zonas fuera de la Historia y a los grupos que no formaban parte de los pueblos. La Republica Imperial Occidental modelo de la Democracia para todos. Como la democracia griega ateniense un diez por ciento ciudadanos libres y el resto mujeres extranjeros esclavos pobres….no ciudadanos
Nadie conoce una democracia para todos. El choque de civilizaciones y el último hombre del fin de la historia sería la visión del mundo tecnificado militarizado sin ideologías ni religiones que calmen las masas. Las masas no encuentran sentido fuera del consumo desmedido y del poder destructivo de sus artefactos y el diez o menos ven perder su libertad su poder y su riqueza e.
JP Quiñonero says
Bueno …
A título personal, mi ambición es muy modesta: intentar dejar constancia, «documentar», las metamorfosis de París, tal como yo las veo …