St.Sulplice, 10 marzo 07. Foto JPQ.
Días pasados advertía la presencia de porno soft a la puerta de iglesias como Saint-Sulpice, uno de los templos emblemáticos de la historia, la política, la cultura y la religión de Francia, antigua “hija predilecta de la Iglesia”. Hoy se ha instalado en la misma plaza una exposición de fotografías de arquitectura y arte erótico hindú y budista…
… que me permite descubrir las Figuras eróticas de Khajuraho. “… el erotismo, plegaria, oración divina..”. Junto a esa composición, una ninfa de los bosques del centro de enseñaza búdica de Sânchî. Entre los personajes que rodean la figura de Buda, ella (yaksi) ocupa un puesto íntimo y particular, lazo de unión entre la fecundidad de la mujer y la fecundidad de la tierra.
Daniel Verdejo – Barcelona España
As we can see through different images, they had sexual intercourse with animals, homosexual relations and more than two people at the same time.
Venus – Venuses
There is o ne sculpture that is emblematic, found in 1908, after lots of research and different epochs being affirmed as the real o nes about this sculpture, now they believe it was done around 24,000-22,000 BC.
It shows a woman with a large stomach that overhangs but does not hide her pubic area. A roll of fat extends around her middle, joining with large but rather flat buttocks, there’s no face and seems that at this place there is a hat or even hair rolled up o n the head.
Her genital area would appear to have been deliberately emphasized with the labia of the vulva carefully detailed and made clearly visible, perhaps unnaturally so, and as if she had no pubic hair. This, combined with her large breasts and the roundness of her stomach, suggests that the «subject» of the sculpture is female procreativity and nurture and the piece has long been identified as some sort of fertility idol.
The fact that numerous examples like that of a female figure. All generally exhibiting the same essential characteristics – large stomachs and breasts, featureless faces, minuscule or missing feet – have been found over a broad geographical area ranging from France to Siberia. That suggests that some system of shared understanding and perception of a particular type of woman existed during the Paleolithic.